Emily H. Wilson
Author and journalist

Hello and welcome to my website.
I’m Emily H. Wilson, the author of The Sumerians, a trilogy of novels set in the extraordinary lost world of Ancient Sumer, the world's first civilisation.
The first novel in the series, Inanna, was published in August 2023, and the second the series, Gilgamesh, was published on August 6, 2024. The final instalment in the series is due out August 2025.
The novels are an epic retelling of the very oldest myths ever recorded, including the famous Epic of Gilgamesh. They also include the most important myths about the goddess Inanna, who went on to be known as Ishtar and then later, Aphrodite and Venus, making her arguably the long-lived female deity in recorded history.
On this site you can read about why I chose to set my novels in Ancient Sumer, and how I went about trying to retell these millennia-old stories.
And again, welcome!
'Stories are sly things. They can be hard to catch and kill'